SHS Bowling

Emma Glass, Writer/Sports Reporter

The Springville High School Bowling team is on a roll! This is Springville High schools second year having a Bowling team, their home alley is Spare Time in Trussville, AL. The team is very excited to be back again this year, consisting of most of the players that played last year. They have played a few matches already this bowling season, the girls’ team has a record of 1-1 and the boys’ team has a record of 2-2. One of the girls’ team members Ashlyn Cox a year two member that also played last year states, “I think we have a better chance going a little bit farther this year, with having one year under our belt. Especially the boys’ team; they have more games as more opportunities this year.” Springville is very proud of the Bowling team, and they will represent Springville High well.