SHS Clubs



Springville High School has many different clubs you can join. From Beta Club to SADD, there’s one for you!

Beta Club, sponsored by Ms. Higdon, is for those who wants to serve our school, students, and community.

Along with Beta Club, Key Club, sponsored by Mrs. Umphrey, is for those who are looking for ways to serve their peers and school staff.

Student Council, sponsored by Ms. Riker, helps with Homecoming and events within the school.

FFA, or Future Farmers of America, sponsored by Mr. Vann, is for those who want to have an education in agriculture and leadership.

SADD, which stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions, is sponsored by Mrs. Wesley and promotes good decisions for students to choose when given the situation.

Mu Alpha Theta, sponsored by Mrs. Mahaffey, is a math honor society that celebrates Pi day and designs the Pi day shirts.

If any of these intrigued you, ask one of the club members for more information.