Which is Better?: Gingerbread Cookies/Houses or Candy Canes

Christmas edition

Sarah W.

It is the happiest time of the year, my birthday. Just kidding, it’s Christmas time, and I was wondering which one people think is better: Gingerbread Cookies/Houses or Candy Canes. I asked 10 people and the winner is …. Gingerbread. I even asked them why, and these are their answers:

Coach Brand- “Gingerbread cookies because I only like the colorful Candy Canes.”

Abbie Bryant- “Candy Canes because they require less chewing.”

Abby Jordan- “Gingerbread because they are pretty and taste better.”

Carissa Bailey- “Candy Canes because I like the minty flavor and it makes my breath fresh.”

Coach Clements- “Candy Canes because I hate gingerbread.”

Tori Barnes- ” Gingerbread because it is gingerbready.”

Emma Smith- “Candy Canes because they are more fun to eat.”

Mrs. Weston- “Gingerbread because it is softer.”

Emma Sewell- “Gingerbread because they are pretty and festive.”

Fallon Vance- “Gingerbread because I don’t like mint.”

I like candy canes better because I’m not a fan of ginger.

p.s- My Birthday was the second of December.